Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg


Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg is one of the biggest providers of services for the elderly in Baden-Württemberg, caring for around 2,000 elderly people with a team of 1,500 employees. We offer a range of residential options from sheltered housing to in-house residential care, residential communities for older people and a generation house, as well as a wide range of services for assisted living in ones own home. For more than 200 years the foundation incorporated under civil law and its predecessors has been following two fundamental functions: to maintain social services and facilities and to encourage and implement innovation in the social sector. It is part of our foundation mission to encourage and implement innovation in social areas. We find new answers to the constantly changing lifestyle habits as people grow older, with a great number of pilot, research, innovation and praxis projects on national and European level.


Frontida Zois


“Frontida Zois” is a social welfare private agency for the care at home of socially vulnerable groups (elderly, disabled). Its main scope is to help elderly people retain their maximum level of autonomy and well being through the provision of home care services (nursing and social work services) and various education and research initiatives that promote active ageing, ageing well and independent living. Our agency, by providing in daily basis care giving services to older people, has gained valuable practical experience in all issues that affect their daily living. We provide nursing services (personal hygiene, management of medication, prime care), and social care services (psychosocial support, help in activities of daily living, social counseling and inclusion) with our nurses and social workers, aiming to the best possible quality of life and ageing well of our beneficiaries. In most of the cases, our care recipients, usually they have some kind of chronic disease, frailty, mental or physical impairment. “Frontida Zois” disposes a multidisciplinary staff team from various disciplines such as sociology, social work, psychology, nursing, telematics and software engineering. We dispose a network of 80-100 seniors and elderly people.

Esslingen University – For people and technology


Esslingen University of Applied Sciences provides academic training and education in the fields of technology, economics and the social sciences. Excellent teaching, combined with high practical relevance, has a high priority at Esslingen. The University of Applied Sciences is also strong on applied research and, thanks to its doctoral programs, is able to offer graduates an extended scientific career. It is no wonder, then, that Esslingen is consistently to be found among the best universities of applied sciences in Germany in numerous national ranking tables. At Esslingen University, around 6,300 students are enrolled on 28 Bachelor’s and 14 Master’s degree programmes.



COOSS is a non-profit organization providing social services to disadvantaged people in Marche Region. Born in 1979, it counts more than 2,700 employees and 8,800 users. COOSS sectors of intervention are: Old Age, Disability, Mental Health, Childhood, Addictions, Minors, Immigration, New Poverty, Guidance and Employment, Home Care, Social Welfare. It manages a great number of residential and daily settings for elderly, minors, disabled people, providing educational and care services. It provides first acceptance services for asylum seekers and refugees, in collaboration with local authorities. Since 1993, COOSS has its own Research &Training Department, working on proposal of participation to EU and National research projects dealing with social issues.

Hellenic Open University (HOU)


HOU is a Public University founded by the Greek Government in 1992 and fully operational since 1997. Its prime mission is to offer university level education using distance learning methodology and to develop the appropriate material and teaching methods.